Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Rising, Shining

I'm on breakfast duty this week.
That means I Take 3 and a half reals and an empty pitcher, and I go get fresh bread and milk at 7am. We get the bread a couple blocks away from a shop that sells two kinds- sweet and sour. Sweet means there are a few sprinkles of sugar on top. Sour just means not sweet. It's just white bread rolls, but they are fresh and warm and wonderful. Next I go to the house around the corner where they deliver the fresh milk. If you get there before 7am it won't be there yet. They might still be milking. If you get there too much after, it might be gone.
Then I come back and boil the milk (because it's unpasturized), make coffe and make breakfast. Yesterday it was fried plantains, vitamina (a smoothie of avocado, milk and sugar), coffee, bread, butter and a substance which isn't at all texture of jam.

We all get up early every day, but it still feels relaxing. We eat breakfast and lunch together. We have daily chores.

It kept raining every time we put our laundry on the line, but yesterday it was dry and so were our clothes. But then, after a capoeira lesson, and teaching a two hour dance class, I had completely soaked through two sets of clothes.

I have proper capoeira pants now.

That's all for now.
Semana Santa, Easter week, is this week, so the center will be closed, and raheemah, Melanie (a cool German volunteer) and I are going to spend 5 days at the beach. It will be two bus rides- four hours to Salvador, followed by 2 to the town we will be in. It was recommended by Flavia, one of the Brazilian volunteers. I don't know if I will be online during our vacation.

For a more detailed account of our doings, raheemah is posting on the house blog:

1 comment:

Molly said...

You seem so very happy!! Whoopee!! The pictures help make it all more real.

ps. Your mother IS "reading" your blog, and so is your mother-in-law!

We love you!!!!